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  • Writer's pictureAdolpho F. L. Pousa

The importance of pre-dive checks

Uma dupla de mergulhadores fazendo a checagem pré mergulho.

The pre-dive check is a fundamental step in any scuba diving experience. It is through this process that we ensure we are properly prepared before diving into the depths of the ocean.

This meticulous and crucial process is usually remembered by the acronym CCPAA, which represents a series of essential checks to ensure the safety and success of the dive.

Mergulhador sem camisa fazendo a checagem pré mergulho em seu equipamento.

We start with the "C" for Buoyancy Control Device (BCD), where we check if the BCD is properly inflated and functioning correctly.

Then, we move on to the second "C", which stands for Belt or weight system, ensuring it is properly adjusted and secured to provide the necessary buoyancy during the dive

The next step is to check the "P" for Straps, making sure all straps and buckles are properly adjusted and locked, avoiding any risk of loosening during the dive.

Then, we come to the "A" letters, which are repeated twice in the acronym. The first "A" is for Air, where we check the air supply, including the amount of air in the cylinder, the functionality of the regulator, and the absence of leaks.

Dupla de mergulhadores sorrindo ao final de um mergulho. A mergulhadora está a esquerda da imagem enquanto o mergulhador está a direita.

The second "A" represents Buddy, reminding us of the importance of performing a general check on our dive buddy, ensuring they are also properly prepared and equipped for the dive.

Did you already know about this procedure? The pre-dive check is an essential practice that all divers should perform before each dive, regardless of experience. It not only increases safety but also promotes confidence and peace of mind during underwater exploration.

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