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Right corner

Foto da Praia do Grumari

Grumari was West's first diving spot. Located at the right corner of the beach, it is home to various species of fish and stingrays. In this location, we have two diving spots: the rocky cliff and in front of Russo's trailer.

The dive at the rocky cliff is rich in marine life. However, it is considered a dive with a slightly higher technical level, as the location has the presence of an almost constant current. Thus, sea conditions will greatly influence the possibility of diving at this spot.

On the other hand, the dive in front of the trailer is considered an easy dive, especially on flat sea days. In this spot, it is very common to see stingrays and turtles. We consider this spot a great location for introductory dives.

Detalhes sobre o local.

  • O local conta com vagas para carros limitadas. Assim, aconselhamos que chegue cedo para garantir a sua vaga.

  • O local conta com diversas opções de quiosques, barracas e restaurantes.

  • Nesse local também há prática de surf e voos de parapente. Caso tenha vontade de praticar alguma dessas modalidades, entre em contato com a gente.

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